Feminist Diplomacy (8 March 2024) [fr]

Gender equality is a priority for France. With its feminist diplomacy, the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs visibly delivers on this commitment internationally.

Our commitment concerns all areas: protecting and promoting rights, reducing inequalities, participating in decision-making, ensuring peace and security, addressing climate change issues and sustainable development, and tackling cultural and economic challenges.

Humanitarian crises, wars, climate change, poverty, discrimination, sexual and gender-based violence, denial of rights – women and girls are the primary victims of these realities.

France is taking action to change that.

French feminist diplomacy is committed to empowering women and girls to exercise their rights and fundamental freedoms. It is working to achieve their full participation in political, economic and social life and to put them on an equal footing as men and boys.

Our goals are ambitious: by 2025, 75% of projects using our development cooperation funds will improve gender equality and 20% will be specifically dedicated to it.

Women and girls are critical to transformation, social progress and peace.

Local action

Women and girls’ rights is an important factor when it comes to political dialogue with our partners.

Our embassies are carrying out innovative actions with a rapid and visible impact on gender equality in partnership with and to the benefit of local populations. They are funded in part by the Solidarity Fund for Innovative Projects (FSPI).

A second fund is specifically dedicated to feminist organizations of partner countries of France: the Support Fund for Feminist Organizations (FSOF). Since 2020, this Fund has provided more than 1,000 associations with €120 million.

Global action

France is advocating for women and girls’ rights at the United Nations, the International Organisation of the Francophonie (OIF) and in all multilateral bodies.
At the UN, we are working to pass women, peace and security resolutions in the Security Council. We are financing field actions with UN Women and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

In the OIF, we fund such programmes as “La Francophonie avec Elles” to enhance women’s social and economic empowerment.

Lastly, with the Council of Europe, we are promoting the universal adoption of the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention).

The Simone Veil Prize of the French Republic for gender equality

The Simone Veil Prize of the French Republic is awarded to a person or group of any nationality working to promote gender equality and improve the status of women and girls around the world. Created at the instigation of President Macron in 2019, it is awarded every year on 8 March, International Women’s Day.

On 8 March 2024, follow the award ceremony live.

Discover photos of the Marianne initiative as well!

Dernière modification : 08/03/2024

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